Double Standards

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Pages: 4

In our society double standards have played a significant role in shaping the way that certain issues are resolved. With double standards extant, it causes turmoil when it comes to identifying what's right and wrong in our society today. Double standards set boundaries to certain groups of people in a specific situation. This tends to lead the people that received the long end of the stick to feel as if what they did wasn’t wrong. If they were to end up in the same situation again, they would expect nothing less than a slap on the wrist for the second time. This is a large problem when it comes to drug possession.

The main problem with double standards is that it instills in some people that they aren’t worth the help they deserve. This
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The main factor that famous people have in common is that they have money to better themselves by going to rehab. Instead, some of those who want to receive help are left wondering where they will come up with the money. A standard drug treatment facility can range from $10,000 up to $20,000. This cost could be lowered if you don’t mind sharing your room with someone else. Many cases have been reported of people turning themselves in for drug charges in order for them to get clean while they are in jail. There are some ways that you could get help with little money like through a church or if you insurance company covers you for this type of treatment. Even though these ways are available they don't always provide the best help because they have a outpatient policy, making patients more prone to relapse. Drug addiction is seen as a double standards because of the luxury price that it holds in order to receive help that will actually make a …show more content…
With the high prices that are placed on rehabs they set a double standards because of its price value. The government expects people of the everyday society to receive help but price this help as a luxury and not as need. In order to end double standards with drug possession we need to apply the same message to both celebrities and the everyday citizen, which is that if you are charge with over excessive amounts of drug possession you should be placed in rehab for free. This is something that should be covered under everyone's insurance so that people can receive the help they so desperately need. We also need to change the policy for having a rehab center. Luxury rehab patients aren't able to leave and come back because they are in a program that last couple months. All rehabs should be this way because they allow the person to focus only on their drug addiction without being tempted along their long road to