Dr Jackson Brave

Words: 414
Pages: 2

Brave. Intelligent. The. Risk. The. These three attributes contribute to Jackson in the text after he decides to make a bet with a guy for 50 dollars. In the excerpt, Dr. Jackson is introduced to a wager he participated in. This bet is on traveling to a certain place, at a certain time, for money. Dr. Jackson was a doctor, but ended up walking away from that career. In this text, the author makes Dr. Jackson sound intelligent. Dr. Jackson was a smart man and also knew a lot about the medical field. As the author remarks,"The real-life Phileas Fogg—a 31-year-old automobile enthusiast from Burlington, Vermont, who had given up his medical practice after a bout of tuberculosis—heartily accepted," (Klein). Therefore, if something happened on the trip that was medically …show more content…
In certain situations he was in, even though he knew the problems, he had to be brave in the moment. Secondly, in the text, the author explains how bold and tough Jackson is. Jackson was not scared at all to take the bet, even when he knew the possibility of breaking down or getting hurt. However, the author remarks, "Previous cross-country automobile trips had all ended in failure," (Klein). This piece of evidence shows that no human or car has ever been able to do this because of all the problems the vehicles had. Moreover, this describes how brave and intelligent both describe him. Moving on, after all the mistakes and problems he had, really showed how tough he was. Lastly, Klein describes Jackson as a risk taker. Jackson takes the risk of making it to his destination in only 90 days. As the author states,"someone bet Jackson $50 that he couldn’t make it to New York City by car in less than 90 days." However, this shows the risk Jackson takes to succeed and win his bet. Many cars have tried and not made it yet. Additionally, Jackson was a trooper, he kept going through all the ups and downs and never gave up on his destinations and