Before The Civil Rights Movement

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Pages: 5

Before the Civil rights movement African Americans did not have civil or voting rights. Desegregation and discrimination is what they had to face even though they were considered “free”. “The clearest success of the Civil Rights Movement is the fact that African Americans now have all of the same rights that white Americans have. Before the Civil Rights Movement, segregation and discrimination were legal. ... With the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, this aim was accomplished.” The proper argument for the success of the Civil Rights Movement would be: African American receiving the same rights as everyone else.
“For defeated southern whites, the loss of the civil war was a monumental calamity.” (Reconstruction pp
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However, during Reconstruction, a lack of political focus on the effort failed to solve the sectional wounds, and the elimination of the freed slaves' newly gained civil liberties failed to bring about long-term racial integration.” During the reconstruction we has many things to blame including the creation of white segregation groups for white supremacy organizations and groups of people that did not agree with the reconstruction began to grow and used violence and terror to prevent the reconstruction. The Klux Klan “Southern white supremacist group organized in response to the fifteenth amendment: Klansmen tried to prevent African American from voting by mob violence and other means of intimidation.” (Reconstruction pp 19) They were known for torture, …show more content…
I honestly believe any of them at that time were not ready for change because it was going on for so long, It needed to happen but with war and everything going on I know that made it even harder to adjust. I would like to say we can give the credit to anyone that showed resistance, the bold and brave that did something others were scared to do and became leaders. For example Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a huge role that a lot of people were scared and knew the consequences it would cause and he was still brave enough to take that position and do what was right. I believe we also owe the silent leaders the credit the people we do not hear about that sacrificed their time and their life for any type of change, for freedom and for whatever they believed in. It was their first choices and steps that lead and began these huge moments. Without first reading i talked about a man and his sacrifices he had to face just to get an education. He had to work twice as hard to get respect and fight just to learn like the others. Then you have acts of people resisting the bus rides even though they needed them to get to work and home. We had people that have to resist and sometimes fight back. They died and were humiliated but they fought and