Drug Testing In Schools

Words: 497
Pages: 2

What’s illegal and a health risk to humans? What makes students lives horrible and sets them up for unsuccessful futures? Well, if you guessed drugs, you’re correct! Due to the fact, people at the Capistrano Unified School District are considering to test students for harmful drugs. Testing students randomly for drugs should be a requirement at schools because it allows parents to treat the addiction sooner, can help students become successful and not commit crimes in the future, and also helps schools become safer.
First, testing students for drugs can allow parents to treat the addiction for their child sooner. Tests allow parents to do so by identifying what type of drug they are misusing and figuring out what kind of medication can treat it. For example, marijuana is an active drug used for medical purposes such as cancer. However, some use it for pleasure. Also, drugs that students use can cause mental disabilities because people under the age of 25 have not fully developed the frontal cortex of their brain which is used for decision making and which means drugs can damage it before even developed. But, in my opinion, students should not do drugs because drugs ruin lives of many and people under the age of 25 should not be making important decisions without knowing the outcomes.
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For that reason, studies have shown that students change their ways after testing and require a little amount of treatment if noticed early. Also, according to Joseph A. Califano Jr., who is a chairman at the Substance Abuse at Columbia University says, “Parents should wake up to the reality that their children are going to schools where drug possession is part of the everyday curriculum as in arithmetic and English which is a threat to our world’s future .” To add to that, when students stop an addiction, others look up to them and contribute to making the future