For example, when the issue of Tom’s parole is addressed, the topic is brought up several times including the explanation of what would happen if he left the state before his three years are up, and then, later in the story, Tom kills another person, which would gain him attention towards his record, if he were to be caught, and get him thrown back into jail for an even longer time than before and he would be sent back to Oklahoma as well. “‘We got plenty to worry about ‘thout you figgerin’ out things to worry about.’ ‘I can’t he’p it,’ she said. ‘Minute you cross the line you done a crime.’“ (Steinbeck, 134). Even though this book is very old and a lot of classics have this kind of vocabulary, The Grapes of Wrath contains a lot of profanity, which is another thing that I noticed the author did frequently throughout the entire story. The profanity is part of the few things that I did not like about this