Along with having the learning disorder of dyspraxia the child learns to be very independent. A student or child with dyspraxia needs help from a professional to help them get better at their speech as well as the motor skills needed. It is often that the child will need speech therapy. Unfortunately, dyspraxia is a disorder that one will have for their lifetime, which is why it is crucial for the child to get diagnosed as soon as possible, and eventually get the proper therapy. Along with different types of dyspraxia there are common symptoms that are apparent depending on the child’s age. For example with young children a warning sign is having difficulties with walking, balance, pronouncing words and also if they continue to bump into things or show clumsiness. School age children who show signs of dyspraxia will have a hard time gripping their pencil, playing sports, sensing direction, and making connections in a social situation. Signs of dyspraxia when one is a teen or an adult, having problems with controlling the pitch and volume of speech, sensitivity to the five senses, driving, and difficulty grooming