The Big Bang Theory vs. Six-Day Creation
PHSC 201-A01 201320
Stephen Underwood
Stacy J Mottola 25166691
06 May 2013
I. Introduction
The Big Bang versus Six Day Creation is a debate that has been going on for many years. Those who have supported each one of these claims believe that their theories are accurate and have evidence to support their claims. It is apparent that scientists have made many discoveries in reference to our beginnings, but it the opinion of this writer that the evidence for the truth can only be found in the beginnings of Genesis. As believers we know that Genesis is a historical record and should be treated as such. Genesis 1:1-2:3 tells us that God created all things in six days. In our text from The Young earth we learned that a day was in fact a literal solar day. Through researching this topic it is the attempt of this paper to show evidence to support both claims and where there may be flaws found to support the theory of the Big Bang in relation to the creation of all things.
II. Old-Earth View
The Big Bang theory proposes that the earth is about 15 billion years old. The earth and everything in the universe was created in one single tremendous explosion. Scientists have come to this conclusion based on discoveries made by Edwin Hubble. His observations led him to believe that the universe is continuously expanding. Based on the work of scientists over the years many have come to believe in an old earth view. The problem with this theory is that it is based on the knowledge and theories made by man. Science is not exact and it is important to note that in all the advances that has come about in the scientific field they are still just theories and hypothesis within the scientific community. In an article by Duane Gish we can see some flaws in the big bang theory. Based on the theory cosmologists predicted that the distribution of matter throughout the universe would be homogenous (Collapses). The belief was that galaxies within the universe would be uniform no matter where you may look. The problem is that research has discovered massive super clusters of galaxies and vast voids in space. R. Brent Tully of the University of Hawaii stated that, “These structures are much too big for the Big Bang Theory to produce. At the speeds at which galaxies are supposed to be moving, it would require 80 billion years to create such a huge complex, but the age of the universe is supposed to be somewhere between 10 and 20 billion years old” (Collapses). It is apparent that even within the scientific community there are doubts as to the validity of the Big Bang Theory. This brings us back to the main point of the subject. The Big Bang is simply a theory and a presupposition of events that could have occurred or not. Science is consistently evolving and changing. Today even scientists seem to be coming to the conclusion that in the universe and in the world we can see evidence of a creator of all things. The one thing that we can know for sure is that we are able to know the truth if we simply look for it in God’s word.
III. Young-Earth View
The young earth view holds that the universe and all in it were created in six days from nothing as described in Genesis. Those that believe in a young earth hold that the earth is little more than approximately six thousand years old. Much of the evidence that can point to a young earth continues to be overlooked or discounted by those that believe in an old earth. Not only does the Bible give evidence to creation and the age of the earth but we can also look to other areas to find evidence for a young earth. First is the evidence found within fossil records. Based upon the studies into dating fossils and the amount of fossils that