One way to increase employment rates is to attract foreign businesses through tax breaks, job training, and through permits and agreements. International businesses prefer to have business trade relations with countries that offer a lower tax rate or no tax rate at all. Through tax breaks, businesses should be more attracted to a country because of trade agreements and fewer expenses incurred. When a country sees that there are no taxes on trades, companies will export and import more. Therefore, attracting businesses to do trades with a country, allowing job slots to be open and created, giving people more of an opportunity to acquire a job. “To help lower Florida's unemployment rate the state government has initiated several incentives to attract businesses to Florida that will create jobs for citizens. One is a tax break.” (Hayes, 2002). Experience and training in professions attract businesses, with greater knowledge of jobs, international businesses deploy into the country and hire experience and trained workers. With the job training workers receive, businesses are run much more productively than with workers with less experience. “The Quick Response Training Incentive is "a customer-driven …existing Florida businesses with necessary training for expansion."” (Hayes, 2002). Sometimes countries make it difficult for foreign businesses to enter their country so that local companies can prosper. But when companies have high unemployment rates, the opposite may occur. In order to increase the employment rate, the country may allow foreign countries to expand into their own. This can be made possible through permits and agreements, defined as grants of rights, allowing businesses to set up their company in a specific location. “Another attempt to help entrepreneurs and bring business to Florida is the Streamlined Permitting and Regulations Plan.” (Hayes, 2002). “Florida created this plan to assist businesses in obtaining necessary permits and paperwork in a timely fashion.” (Hayes, 2002). These methods/incentives were initiated by Florida because the U.S economy had subsided. These can also