Eczema Research Paper

Words: 396
Pages: 2

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

The skin disease I decided to write about is Eczema. The reason I chose Eczema is because it’s a skin disease that I have. Eczema is a common skin condition checked irritated and inflamed patches of the skin. Another name for this skin disease is Atopic Dermatitis. Atopic relates to more than one disease with an often inherited tendency to create other allergic conditions, for example hay fever and asthma. It be on the face of babies, it also be behind the knees and on the elbows of children, teens and grown people. The causing for this is an overactive immune system. “Up to 20 percent of children and one to three percent of adults develop atopic dermatitis, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.” It’s very rare that it first show up
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It’s not a disease that can only affect one sex, it affects both males and females the same way. An Eczema flare-up is when more than one side effect to this skin disease show up on the skin. The cause of Eczema isn’t completely quite understood. It is thought to be activated by an overactive immune system that reacts forcefully to irritants. Eczema is sometimes caused by an irregular reaction to proteins that are a piece of the human body. Usually, the immune system ignores proteins that are a piece of the human body and go for only protein intruders, for example bacteria or viruses. In Eczema, the immune system lose the ability to recognize the two, which causes irritation to the skin. Eczema is described as itchy, dry, rough, and irritated skin. It can flare-up, die down and come back again more than once. It can happen on any part of your body but normally on the arm, internal elbow, back of the knee, or head(especially the cheeks and scalp.) It is not infectious and turns out to be less extreme with age.Red or caramel dark patches are basic side effects. Little bumps that overflow liquid when scratched is another symptom. Scratching reasons them to wind up dry,