Ed 285: Class Management
Jessica Pagtulingan
1st Step: When the school bell has rung, students will line up in boy-girl formation against the wall, at least a feet away from the door. (In case of hitting a student or a parent once class door opens) 2nd Step: I will then smile at my students as well as any parents that have waited with their child, and I will greet them good morning
3rd Step: I will high five my students one by one if I feel that they are settled down and behaved properly, and in which I high fived them, they may enter the classroom quietly and stand next to their assigned seats.
4th step: Once I have high fived every student that are present that day, I will enter the classroom in a professional matter and close the door quietly behind me
Entering the Classroom
day of instruction, I will discuss my procedure and its importance of it.
I will then ask for a volunteer from my students to demonstrate my procedure of how to line up, how to behave, and how to enter the classroom properly
Each student who exceeds at this procedure will get a double high five before they enter the classroom Introduce, Rehearse, Reinforce
1st step: When it’s time for floor time, I calmly raise my right hand in the air, and place my left pointer towards my lip.
My students must copy this hand signal, to inform me they’re paying attention
2nd step: Once I have all my students attention, I will excuse by table who I think is well behaved. They must walk quietly onto the floor with their hands behind their back.
3rd step: First table will have the first row in front of the teachers chair but leaving some space. Next table forms the next row and so forth. 4th step: When everyone is seated in their rows, I will then proceed to rules of how to sit down properly.
Floor time
I will inform my students why it is important to follow this procedure, which is for everyone's safety and well being.
I will first demonstrate my hand signal when the I need their cooperation in listening.
Next I will have a group of four volunteers to demonstrate good behavior at the table before excused onto the floor, and how to sit properly on the floor in rows.
Every time the class does it quietly and correctly, I will read them a book in their choice at the end of the school week.
Introduce, Rehearse, Reinforce
1st step: Once morning message have been announced, I will assign two lines, a line for girls and another for boys.
2nd step: Girls will line up towards the wall and boys to the right of them.
3rd step: I will call those who are well behaved in their seats to form the line.
4th step: Students will line up single file in their lines, with their hands behind their backs and have their silent voices on.
5th step: Once I feel that everyone is ready, we will walk to the bathrooms quietly together
6th step: I will assign two girls and two boys to enter the bathroom at a time. All students must knock before they enter the stalls. They must wash their hands after use, and clean up after themselves. 7th step: I will ask two volunteers, a boy and a girl to check bathrooms before we could head back to the class. I will alternate each day for volunteers.
8th step: Once my students are on their desks, I will explain the procedures of going to the restrooms during class activities
9th step: If student needs to use the restroom, they must find a buddy that is kind enough to go with them and must inform me
Bathrooms (Continued)
will assign a game on how to use the restroom and what are the rules
I will then choose two students, a girl and a boy to demonstrate proper bathroom procedures