Most public schools in Philadelphia have a problem with the ability to afford and obtain proper resources for all the students who attend that school. Resources like textbooks, classes that prepare students for college and teachers who can fulfill the job are hard to come by in Philadelphia public schools. Public schools especially in the Philadelphia area tend to have a overpopulated school because of how many students live in the area. This overpopulated with the struggling economies of the school district, the school lacks resources. Philadelphia schools with low resources are usually schools with a more minorities. Jonathan Kozol of Still Separate, Still Unequal:America’s Educational Apartheid, a magazine article about the segregation of in the 60’s and how in some ways it is still happening today. Kozol suggest that “School-assignment practices and federal court decisions” have established policies that create and prolong the system of integration. This expresses that minorities from the beginning have been placed in a position of bad education. Jim Crow laws, laws that created segregation between blacks and whites, made it nearly impossible for African Americans to develop a great education because of resources. Blacks were not guaranteed the proper resources because they were looked as unfairly. Other races today that would be categorized as minorities such as Asians and Latinos also found it difficult to get a challenging education in America because of the systematic form of racism. At Edison high school most of the school is Latino and African American which suggest that they are where they are because of their