Educational Disparities In America

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Pages: 5

Education is vital for achieving the American Dream, especially for people who immigrated to this country. Getting an education is essential to achieving success in the U.S. and changing one’s social status. However, we know that we have educational disparities in America today. So, what makes this inequality so important and how do we overcome these issues? Educational inequalities in the U.S. are multifaceted issues that reflect disparities in resources, opportunities among different social, economic, racial, and ethnic cultural backgrounds. If I were an advisor to a candidate for U.S. President in the next election, I would address the following problems. To effectively tackle these issues, holistic approaches to addressing policy reforms, …show more content…
Quality education heavily relies on quality teachers. According to Pianta & Hamre, children’s individual interactions with teachers in classroom tasks and activities forecast greater achievement in preschool and early elementary grades. (2016) Nowadays, it is hard to attract and maintain high quality teachers. Quality teachers who have skills in self-awareness, regulating their own emotions and managing stress also shape teacher-student interactions. Pianta & Hamre, 2016 Study suggests that teachers’ classroom behavior and their mood, stress, and emotional resourcefulness. When teachers experience negative emotions, stress, and burnout, their classroom interactions are less likely to be effective and their students are more likely to exhibit problem behavior. Pianta & Hamre insists that many teachers leave their profession within the first five years due to burnout and stress as the primary factor. Thus, by providing competitive salaries, quality professional development, improving job conditions, rewarding their hard work and many other ways to incentivize teachers to remain effective and stay motivated throughout their teaching …show more content…
Bangani states that in support of children, librarians, university staff members and community members successfully hosted children to involve reading and writing activities for them to be inspired. Guiding children in the right direction is crucial to children’s successful development. By providing them with mentorship, support, and educational opportunities, ensure they can overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Being white in the U.S. has many privileges. According to McIlwain, in a white-supremacist society, white people will have advantages that are not a product of any individual effort or ability but are built into the structure of society. Nonwhite people face racist violence, job hiring discrimination and subtle exclusion in social settings. In contrast, white people do not carry the burden of negative racial stereotypes in those interactions. McIlwain. 2011). The 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' McIlwain argues that white people who want to live values of equality should recognize that such a life requires them to abandon their belief in, and reliance on