I believe that teaching and learning is an individual unique experience for both students and educators. For students to benefit the most in their learning environment, teachers need to understand different learning techniques and styles. Some educators consider what they do a 40 hour a week job however for their goals and context to come across to their students they must consider what they do a lifestyle. If teachers are to be entrusted with the education of students, teachers must help learning and growth personally, academically, and ethically with no qualm. By providing a savor education to each student in an educational environment, a teacher equips students with the tools necessary for prosperity in life.
Beliefs about students
Motivation and inspiration is the beginning of academic learning for a student. For students to understand subjects and learning as a whole they deserve to have their educators’ passion brought forth in every subject taught. If a student is going to show their abilities to learn and be successful, an educator must demonstrate enthusiasm and express confidence in that student. I believe that all students have the ability to learn and have a quality education when they apply themselves and are equipped with a good educator. By recognizing every student's potential to learn and having separate goals for each student, a teacher can supply personal needs and abilities and encourage the pursuit of academic pursuit.
Beliefs about knowledge
Knowledge is usually defined as facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education. If a student is to acquire knowledge through an educator, that educator must supply the student with facts, information, and skills to better develop what the student is learning as well as what the educator is trying to portray. I believe that knowledge can be thought of as guiding principles that hold to be true and serve as lenses through which new experiences can be understood. Knowledge portrayed by an educator should include what it means to be a student, how students should relate to their educators, and the impact of student differences on classroom practice and culture.
Beliefs about what is worth knowing
According to many states now days there is a core set of knowledge that every student should know known as core knowledge. This idea that we have to teach most things to most students is beyond understanding to me. If every student has a different learning style how can one set of standards teach them all if it is teaching in only one direction? Core knowledge in my opinion, does not constitute a core set of knowledge, but rather a specialized set of knowledge that is intended to be learned by students seeking higher education in those specific areas. What are worth knowing to me are algebra, chemistry, physics, and writing beyond narration just to name a few.
How educational philosophies relate to classroom practice
Morrison (2008) states that self-organization is a feature of all systems while using examples like amebic colonies, sand castles, and sea shores. After much research I have come to the conclusion that there are lots of different educational philosophies. Although there are many different philosophies, not all of them are centered the same. Some are teacher-centered and some are student-centered. They all have the same goal in common though, and the goal is to provide students with the best education possible. Some educational philosophies are