Elder Abuse In America

Words: 911
Pages: 4

Elder abuse can be defined as a single, or repeated or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person (WHO,2015). Elder Abuse take placed in different forms such as physical, sexual, emotional and psychological, abandonment, neglect and also financial abuse. Each day, elder abuse cases are increasing and often it is ignored by the societies and people across the world. Elder abuse can be a serious public health and societal problem. In this essay we will be focusing on the studies of elder abuse population in America. According to National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), in the year of 2011, the population of elderly age 65 …show more content…
Screening and detection for elder abuse by using screening equipment to identify risk of abusing and neglect symptoms. However, detection can be complicated because victims may be unwilling to report because they may feel ashamed, fear or being place in an institution (Mulligan, 1990). Screening for women abuse also been approach in many of the hospitals. It’s important to categorize different kind of interventions that caters to different type of groups so that it would be effective. Screening may be limited in some of the areas like focusing too much on the perpetrators and having biased towards some factors but pay less attention towards factors like financial or psychological abuse (Collins, 2000). Next, intervene through education. It is important to educate the elderly by providing them knowledge so that they would know how to protect themselves and their rights. Communities around provide services like giving them support and helping them with problems. For example, Project Care in Montreal. This program involves volunteer “buddies” who meet regularly with abused seniors on a one-to-one basis, in an effort to reduce social isolation and inform seniors of their rights. In addition, the program offers an empowerment group that meets weekly to help victims discuss feelings and brainstorm ways of dealing with specific problems they are encountering. Some of the strategies have been used in other cities (Wolf and Pillemer, 1994). Educating caregivers and the public is one the strategies. According to research caregiver’s stress is one of the risk factor that causes elder abuse and neglect. Education and training programs are much needed to help. Communities around have been providing services and programs to help caregivers to reduce stress. Providing social