Emergency Operation Plan Sample

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Pages: 4

The purpose of this local level Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) of the Town of Sahuarita designed to provide a clear and concise, organized method and approach to emergency management.
It is extremely import for the town to PREPARE and have the ability to effectively implement activities and training that increases our efficiency to MITIGATE, RESPOND and RECOVER from an emergency situation. The town incorporates the fundamental principals of emergency management, homeland security while also including other federal, state, local, tribal and private sector entities to promote a collaborative effort that can fulfill services, resources and capabilities that are needed in order to have effective incident management (FEMA, 2010).
This EOP
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The town’s emergency response covers the ever-changing threats against our community, whether it is a natural disaster, act of terrorism or any other emergency. The town’s EOP effectively uses interagency and multiagency collaboration for emergency response. The town has established coordinated efforts between state and regional governments for support and integration between the public and private sector for incident management. The town maintains in communication with federal agencies to assess potential threat of terrorism and implementing ways to mitigate the risk associated with such threats. Collaborative efforts with private sector entities also provide significant emergency response capabilities or hazard vulnerabilities. (Lindell et al, 2006, pg.78). In the town of Sahuarita, the use of private sector fire department, such as Rural Metro Fire Department mean there is an increased dependence and use of collaboration efforts with the Green Valley Fire Department to bridge the gaps in areas that Rural Metro Fire Department does not service within town of Sahuarita. In compliance with HSPD-5 the town of Sahuarita uses the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which work towards and improve multi-jurisdictional and multi-organizational integration of incident related activities in order to effectively prevent, prepare, mitigate, respond and recover (Lindell et al, 2006, pg. 258). Additionally, the town uses NIMS to improve incident management communication between public and private sector and facilitate emergency support from region, state and federal