Emerging Adulthood Research Paper

Words: 597
Pages: 3

For this life stage, I picked an article discussing a newer political achievement in our society. The article listed above discusses same sex marriage becoming legalized across the constitutional United States. Personally, I view emerging adulthood is about making a change for the better and advancing into a new life which is what this political movement brought into the United States. Emerging adulthood is where individuals make many new changes in their life and discover who they are and identify as. Emerging adulthood consists of almost being an adult while still feeling like a teenager, it is this gray area in the middle where these individuals are still trying to figure themselves out and better themselves. During this stage, an individual decides what steps they need to take in order to secure their future. They also decide whether or not they want to pursue a higher education, if they want to start a family, and pursue possible long-term relationships. Emerging adulthood is often referred to as the “in-between stage” because most emerging adults are still trying to fiure out what their future holds. …show more content…
Members of emerging adulthood are now putting off marriage and family to pursue a higher education due to career goals. There are many explanations for this phenomenon, one cause could be the increasing rate of equality among minorities. Woman are no longer seen as just housewives and secretaries, equality has risen throughout the years and women can now hold the same jobs as men. This highly correlates with the artifact chosen for this life stage. Members of the LGBTQ community have also gained equality and are on the rise to gaining similar equality to heterosexual