The Kelso case is an exact example of the renewal of property with no negative effects. Property that was in eminent domain went into was no use, the land “remains empty a decade after the Supreme Court decision”(Source C). Nevertheless, the property that was supposed to promote economic development wasn't touched for 10 years after the case was settled. What really was the use of the land with no action for economic reconstruction? Cleary eminent domain is an action of property acquisition that negatively affects the economy rather than beneficially. Undermining the economy is the only true effect of eminent domain. With federal governments power to acquire property for public use to create economic value, it does the opposite. As a federal government, why are powers being implicated that evict society from our constitutional amendments? Undoubtedly with the power they have, eminent domain is passed off as an act of renewing the economy. The “ U.S. Constitution stipulates: “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation”( Source