Empowering means letting the service users have control over their own lives and have the same rights as anyone else.
One of the ways we can empower Abdul and Shannon by adopting the environments or the activities we do. This means changing the environments or the activities to make suitable for the service users. there are some ways that you can change the environment. Such as on buses there are ramps for the wheelchairs users and braille for blind people.
Communication can be categorized into three basic types: (1) verbal communication, in which you listen to a person to understand their meaning; (2) written communication, in which you read their meaning; and (3) nonverbal communication, in which you observe a person and infer meaning.
In relation to the services users at the day centre we might need to use a passport communication for Shannon which will help her to communicate with other people, the passport communication contains everything about that person.
Another way in which we can empower them is to taking into account their preference and right. This means to take into account their opinions, likes and dislike. The different ways this can be done are by using benevolent oppression.
This different ways in which this can be done are asking the two individuals what they like and dislike that way the workers at the day centre knows what activities to provide for Abdul and Shannon.
A specific way we can do this for Abdul or Shannon at the day centre is allowing them to have a saying in what they would like to do while they are at the day centre and it’s important to give Abdul and Shannon freedom and choices but it’s important for the workers to keep them safe at the same time because they are both adults and they need their freedom but they also need to learn he damagers of travelling own, the dangers of being on a train and the dangers of talking to strangers.
We can also empower Abdul and Shannon by working in partnership with others. This means a service provider asks a service user what their preferences this would enable the service user to be to be more independent. This could help them to feel that they are not alone.
In Abdul’s case the workers at the day centre would work together and including Abdul to make a communication passport and to help him understand the safety about taking public transports. The different people who may work in partnerships are in relation so Abdul and Shannon are involved in working with others, which may include relatives and friends of an individual this is important; because Abdul and Shannon would be working with people that they know and who they trust. It’s important for Abdul and Shannon to be in partnership with workers that they know and trust because they can work together to empower each other. The partnership workers need to make sure when they are helping Abdul and Shannon that they are not benevolent oppression.
We could use advocates to empower them. An advocate is a person who speaks on behalf of a service user who is unable to do so. A person who needs an advocate is a person who cannot express their feelings and themselves.
Abdul and Shannon might find an advocate useful because Abdul has Down syndrome so he finds it hard to communicate with other people and some people find it hard to understand him so an advocate can help Abdul when communicating with other people. An advocate can also help Shannon because she has mild learning difficulties and dyslexia so an advocate