English 101 Reflection

Words: 562
Pages: 3

The English 112 course has been a great experience not only for me as a student but as a writer. I have reinforced my grammatical skills, learned a lot about forming my own opinion, and learned to think about complex subjects through class discussions. I believe that as a writer it is critical that you have your own opinion about a subject and backing yourself up with credible sources to stand out from all other works, which is what I feel I have grown in the most throughout this semester. I now form my own opinion based on various resources and reinforce my opinion with credible sources while adding a bit of my own personality in my writing. Through the submission of various essays, I learned what my weaknesses where in writing and was able to improve upon those each time for the next assignment. …show more content…
the in class essays were my favorite assignments we had. They were all about relevant issues that just required us to think critically about the opinions we have on a certain topic. Through the in class writing assignments I was able to learn more about myself and why I believe what I do about certain issues. Furthermore, I learned to write well in a short amount of time. In high school English classes I might have had a month to write about what I had to write about in an hour here and my grades on the in class essays do reflect that maturity as a writer. I have applied the knowledge that I have gained of myself through the in class essays in everyday conversations with my fellow peers. I can now strongly support my beliefs and opinions in both writing and