Enrique's Journey Analysis

Words: 478
Pages: 2

Enrique's journey is a twisted tale of suffering and perseverance. The path that Enrique took marked him emotionally and physically. His beating at the hands of bandits and the constant risk of death or dismemberment caused by the train. I was surprised to learn that Enrique had attempted and failed to reach the Rio Grande several times. Despite his failures and the savage beating he received, Enrique never faltered in his conviction to find his mother.

The stories of abuse by corrupt authorities and lawlessness of the Mexican countryside were not terribly surprising. Stories of corruption and banditry have circulated about Mexico for years. Many people opposed to Mexican immigration cite the stories to justify their opinions of Mexicans as criminals. Ironically, the same attitude that is considered racist
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If a person crosses a border and breaks the law, they are a criminal and should be handled as such. I don't believe that they should be abused or robbed, or in any way mistreated. In fact, I believe that a greater good could come from allowing immigrants to enter the United States. However, the citizens of the United States must be protected. Immigrants working in the shadows creates a need for criminal services. Enrique's story continues to invoke sympathy; however, I can't agree with the process that undocumented immigrants are forced to use to achieve a better life. I understand the need to provide a better life your children, but there needs to be another way. I don't have a perfect answer for immigration, I do feel sympathy, but I also feel sympathy for the millions living in poverty in the United States. I support pulling up the lowest members of society, but I refuse to care them. Generation poverty is a disease no matter what country it is born into. We may not have a cure, but I believe we should look for