Envs 1301 Unit 1

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Pages: 4

Learning Journal Unit 1 ENVS 1301

I work in the marketing division of a local private company based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am tasked with creating strategies to promote our products and/or services effectively, especially within our community. Engaging in the Introduction to Environmental Sciences course provides a platform to explore the intersection of environmental issues and business practices. I enrolled in this course with the intention of gaining a deeper understanding of the environmental challenges we face today. Recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability in business operations and consumer behavior, I aim to equip myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to incorporate eco-friendly practices into our marketing campaigns. By
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To contribute to environmental conservation in our local area, I propose implementing a community-based recycling program. By partnering with local businesses and waste management facilities, we can establish designated collection points for recyclable materials such as plastics, glass, and paper. Through educational campaigns and incentives, we encourage residents to participate actively in recycling efforts, thereby reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserving natural resources. This project not only promotes environmental awareness, but also fosters community engagement and cooperation. By taking small steps towards sustainable living, we can inspire others to adopt eco-friendly practices and contribute to the preservation of our environment for future generations. As I reflect on what I have learned this week, several key insights stand out to me. Exploring environmental concerns has underscored the urgency of addressing pressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion. These environmental challenges not only pose significant threats to ecosystems and wildlife, but also have profound implications for human