Epigenetic Synthesis

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Pages: 7

The term itself “epigenetics” was wrapped around the idea that fertilized zygote developed into a matured, complex organism which derived from the Greek word “epigenesis” which originally described the influence of genetic processes on development. Within this idea the unborn fetus would the understanding is that all cells of an organism carry identical genetic information with increased knowledge of mechanisms of gene expression, the definition was changed to focus on ways in which heritable traits can be associated not with changes in nucleotide sequence, but with chemical modifications of DNA, or of the structural and regulatory proteins bound to it. (Felsenfeld) https://harvardmagazine.com/2017/05/is-epigenetics-inherited This idea is …show more content…
This encompasses all walks of life for multiple organisms and observed on the regular basis is the impacts that abiotic factors can have on the transgression of gene of biotic organisms.

Many of these differences in gene expression arise during development and are retained through mitosis. Stabilization of these alterations of this kind are said to be 'epigenetic', because they are heritable in the short term but do not involve mutations of the DNA as a whole. (Jaenisch R. 2003) That is why it encompasses the theory of evolution but is not supported by it due to there being no change in the DNA.
As it stands there is a strong correlation between epigenetics and Darwinism, but epigenetics does not undermine or dispute the evolutionary theory. The key to epigenetics is modification of genes being expressed at any given instance. A major argument that supports epigenetics as a separate topic is the theory of nature vs nurture. One thing to keep in mind is that while the eukaryotic genome is identical throughout an organism there are structures that will distinguish any one cell from another. These differences are known as cellular differentiation and is based around the unique gene expression pattern for that cell impacted upon by outside forces. (Tammen
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This will give each mouse the time to fully mature, then the trial will change the diet to a heavier diet in fats to observe each mouse susceptibility to becoming overweight and develop health problems. The goal is to put enough stress on mouse named Alpha, which is experiencing the higher altitude environment. This stress on Alpha will enable gene expression of those that live at higher altitude. Upon the diet change Alpha will be more resistant to the physiological changes. This is due to what was discussed before as well as having expected reduced appetite because higher altitudes are known to affect hormones such as leptin. Leptin is a hormone that have been recognized to have a major influence on energy balance. Leptin is a mediator of long-term regulation of energy balance, by suppressing the intake of food intake can induce weight loss. (Klock 2007) On the other hand, Beta, the mouse experiencing life at lower altitude will succumb to the health problems that comes with a diet that is high in fat. One should expect to see slower heart rates as well as higher hemoglobin levels, aspects which will be in direct contrast to Alpha. The second part of the study will be done over the course of two months after the changed diet, seven months