|Type |Structure/description |Sketch |Location within the body/organ |Function |
|Simple Squamous |This tissue is described to be thin and | |This epithelium is located in the |It diffuses and filtrates which means |
| |flat which allows them to have a large | |capillary walls alveoli of |that oxygen and carbon dioxide passes |
| |surface area. The cells are flattened and| |Lungs which covers visceral organs and |through the alveoli wall. This suggests |
| |does not consist of cytoplasm (very rare)| |lining body cavities. |that protection is not important. |
|Simple cuboidal |Consists of single layer of cells which | |It is located in the surface of the |These cells provide protection and may |
| |are cube like which includes large | |ovaries the lining of nephrons, the |be active (pumping material in or out of|
| |spherical central nuclei | |walls of the renal tubules, and parts of|the lumen) or passive, depending on the |
| | | |the eye and thyroid. |location and cellular specialization. |
|Simple columnar |The main function of simple columnar | |Simple columnar is located in the |The main function of simple columnar |
| |epithelial cells are protection. For | |non-ciliated type lines most of the |epithelial cells are protection. For |
| |example, the epithelium in the stomach | |digestive tract (stomach to anal canal),|example, the epithelium in the stomach |
| |and digestive tract provides an | |uterine tubes, gallbladder and excretory|and digestive tract provides an |
| |impermeable barrier against any bacteria | |and ciliated variety lines small |impermeable barrier against any bacteria|
| |that could be ingested but is permeable | |bronchi. |that could be ingested but is permeable |
| |to any necessary ions. This function is | | |to any necessary ions. This function is |
| |especially important in the colon | | |especially important in the colon |
|Stratified non-keratinised |It is a shield which the epithelium has |