Cells also synthesize proteins. Synthesizing proteins is a two step process for cells.
The first step of this process is transcription, which takes place in the nucleus. For the specific segment of DNA to be replicated into the RNA, which is the main function of transcription, a couple steps need to be taken. The first step in transcription is when the RNA polymerase starts to unzip the helix. The polymerase is used to “read” the DNA and to build a singlestranded RNA molecule as a complementary. Once the RNA molecule completely detached, another enzyme begins plugging in the RNA complementary bases. Just like in
DNA, cytosine is always a complementary of guanine. However, unlike DNA, instead of thymine attaching to adenine, RNA has uracil to attach to the adenine. The third step to transcription is when the RNA nucleotides link back together join the sugar phosphate backbone. After the third step, the completed messenger RNA strand detaches from DNA and travels to the ribosome carrying the pattern. However, before being read the RNA is