Essay Comparing The Lottery And The Night Drive

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Pages: 2

“You must become conscious of the unconscious behaviors you’ve been choosing to demonstrate that have led to the same experiences, and then you must make new choices, take new actions, and create new experiences.” Joe Dispenza said. Conscious and unconscious behaviors go hand in hand and you must understand both fully to make the right decision. In “The Lottery” and “The Night Drive” characters behave in ways that are conscious and unconscious. Many times within both books individuals act without thinking, which is an unconscious decision. An example of this within “The Night Drive” is “Madge let in the clutch”. It was her body that did it, taking charge while her mind screamed soundlessly. It was her body which drove with an insane skill and …show more content…
However, even if the option you choose isn't the best one, your instinct should be able to guide you out of trouble. Another time that Madge made an unconscious choice or behaved a certain way within “The Night Drive” is “Madge’s legs were stiff and icy. Her whole body was cold. Every muscle is tense. Her heart was hammering with a hysterical tempo: beat-beat-beat-beat beat.”Madge started to freak out without any thought behind it. Something terrified her and her body reacted, she started to freeze and she felt like she wasn't able to move. This is an example of unconscious behavior. Instead of choosing an alternative, her body behaved a certain way without thinking, therefore being another example of when a character's behavior is unconscious. Before making a choice, I have to think about the possible outcomes that will happen. This is a conscious behavior. Here is an example of the lottery: ”The people of the village began to gather in the square.”In “The Lottery” every year a draw is held to see who wins the lottery, except the prize isn't good, it is execution. Even though the villagers know that they could die, they still show up and participate because it is a