Social class and gender both may have an impact in the way in which learning is experienced. According to (Moore et al 2004) “Each of us has a level of ability, or a class membership, a sex, an ethnic identity. For the purposes of analysis, we can take them apart. The problem is putting them back together” this brings up the idea of whether the ………
P 13 17 p 18 Bernstein suggests that class relations can be taken into account in education, therefore resulting in inequalities between the working and middle class. He expands on his theory of social inequalities and says that there are two types of codes restricted and elaborated. Restricted being for the working class elaborated being for middle or upper class. way of accounting for the relatively poor performance of working-class pupils on language-based subjects, when they were achieving as well as their middle-class counterparts on mathematical topics. Interestingly, it was stimulated directly by his experience of teaching in further education.Social class may have an impact on the way learning is approached. This ideology was put into practice with a study being carried out by the sociological reseach unit, which was taken place in Holland 1981.the study consisted of thirty lower class students and thirty middle class students boys and girls aged 8- 11. The expectation was that the
According to Bernstein the pedagogy of any relationship consists of three rules which are hierarchial rule, sequencing rule and finally the criterial rule. ( talk about different codes etc) show how there many be inquality. Application of someone who has researched this….
The construct of elaborated and restricted language codes was introduced by Basil Bernstein in 1971, as a
The essence of the distinction is in what the language is suited for. The restricted code works better than the elaborated code for situations in which there is a great deal of shared and taken-for-granted knowledge in the group of speakers. It is economical and rich, conveying a vast amount of meaning with a few words, each of which has a complex set of connotations and acts like an index, pointing the hearer to a lot more information which remains unsaid.
Not only that, but because it draws on a store of shared meanings and background knowledge, a restricted code carries a social message of inclusion, of implicitly acknowledging that the person addressed is "one of us". It takes one form within a family or a friendship group, and another with the use of occupational jargon within a work group. Its essential feature is that it works within, and is tuned to, a restricted community. Everyone uses restricted code communication some of the time. It would be a very peculiar and cold family which did not have its own language.
Restricted/condensed code is therefore great for shared, established and static meanings (and values): but if you want to break out to say something new, particularly something which questions the received wisdom, you are going to have to use an elaborated code. Bernstein's research argued that working-class students had access to their restricted code(s) - but middle-class students had access to both restricted and elaborated codes, because the middle classes were more geographically, socially and