Essay On Lyme Disease

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Pages: 6

Lyme disease: Causes and Cures
Lyme disease is one of the most under detected illnesses today, with only ten percent of active cases being treated and reported (Centers) . Although only approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the (CDC) annually, new research indicates the actual number of cases occurring annually in the US is closer to 300,000.(Centers) People can be infected with Lyme disease by being bitten by infected xiode blacklegged ticks (Solomon and Shapiro). While the disease may be transmitted at any time during the year, it most often occurs during the warmer months of the year. People infected with Lyme disease usually come into contact with infected ticks during recreational and occupational contact with wooded areas. While Lyme disease infects thousands of people each year, it is easily treated and most people recover from it; however, they may suffer from long term negative effects.
Lyme disease was discovered in 1977 (Herrington, James E Jr, et
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This bacterium is shaped like a corkscrew, or spirochete, a microscope. Some researchers have referred to Lyme disease as “The Great Imitator.” This is because its symptoms are similar to many other diseases, in that it affects many human organs. It is known to most often affect the brain, nervous system, muscles, joints, and the heart.
Lyme disease is contracted through the saliva of a blacklegged tick carrying the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium (Solomon and Shapiro). Once a person is bitten by an infected tick, this bacterium causes a bullseye type of reaction rash at the site of the bite in most cases. As the bacterium spreads, additional symptoms may appear such as fatigue, muscle weakness, headache and fever. From the point of entry, the bacterium make their way into the host’s bloodstream. In most cases, to transmit Lyme disease, a deer tick must be attached to the host for 36 to 48