Trying to find an apartment in Fairbanks for example will be very expensive if you do not find a few roommates. Which in many instances will use half of a month’s wages, if added to food expenses and utilities this cost adds up fast. Child care rapidly pushes costs up, sometimes amounting to over a year’s worth of tuition at a community college depending on the age of the child in question. The high cost puts the parents in a tough spot if a family is already struggling to make ends meet, since it is unsafe to leave a child at home alone, essentially amounting to as much as one third of a family’s income being put towards child care. Next moving to minimum wage, which is currently $7.25 per hour, it is immediately apparent that while in the 60s a worker on minimum wage could move a family with one child out of poverty today that is entirely unrealistic (to be clear minimum wage back then would in today’s market be over