A fact is simply something that has really occurred or is actually the case. Facts, as has been indicated by the Australian philosopher D.M. Amstrong, may be considered as directly related to truth, since every truth must have a truth-maker, and facts are the best candidates to occupy the truth-maker role . As such, facts …show more content…
The way I conceive blue is very different from the way someone else conceives it, we both however may interpret as blue the color of an object. If everybody sees this object as blue, then we may conclude that this is a fact. There are people however that cannot differentiate colors and for them this cannot be a fact. This is quite clear in the area of Arts, where a painting is usually regarded or perceived differently from different people. So sense perception, no matter how important as a way of knowing is and how much influences the way we perceive the world, certainly provide us with interpretations, but sometimes these interpretations may be regarded as facts, when all for example agree that Guernica is a unique