Ethical Egoism Paper

Words: 1315
Pages: 6

Morgan Mahan
05 October 2015
Ethical Egoism

Most people believe that we should not act out of self interest, because it will lead to a stronger society. Ethical egoists disagree with this statement because they believe everyone should act out of self interest, which would lead to a flourishing society. In an imaginary society inhabited by a single being, it is practical that the objective of morality is the same as the objective of self interest, by means that what is good for him is identical to what is in his interests. In my paper, I will explain what ethical egoism is, explain why some people believe it is wrong, and what happens when an ethical egoist and someone else want the same thing. According to James Rachels,
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An ethical egoist may also argue that, “even if I could avoid being caught it is still to my advantage to respect the rights and interests of others, for it is to my advantage to live in a society in which people’s rights and interests are respected” (77). To ethical egoists, if you act in self interest, you act on the people who you care about and push them to get them to their goals. Another problem people have with ethical egoists is that a mainly altruistic approach to ethics would be too challenging, by treating each person as a resource, for others, and thus is unsuccessful to respect the truthfulness and freedom of the individual human life. The issue with this argument is that there are other approaches to ethics that are both ethical egoism and altruism. For example, our standard, “common sense” approach to morality declines ethical egoism without being as challenging, as a purely altruistic step would be. The final argument is that ethical egoism provides the best description, and combining principle, for the different moral duties that we think are obligated for us, such as the duty to be honest and to keep our promises. A problem with this argument is that ethical egoism does not describe all of the moral obligations we believe we have. A second, and more serious, …show more content…
Ethical egoism has some fascination in that it appears to be stable with a very reasonable explanation of human nature and that there are few, if any, strong arguments that point to inadequacies in it as a theory. However, it also appears not to be a completely beneficial account of the full difficulty of human conduct which would include the beliefs of care and compassion which require us to contemplate the fascinations of other people as well as our own. Such things seem to reveal for a more inclusive explanation of how humans must behave than egoism