Locate two research studies in your discipline or your field of study—one study must use a qualitative method and one study must use a quantitative method. Each study must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Perform the following with each study:
Review of Contemporary Curriculum Research
Qualitative Research Study
Identify the research problem.
Smith’s (2007) research study on “Support Services for Students with Asperger’s Syndrome in Higher Education” problem focus is on type of services or accommodations that are being provided for students who have been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) and if these services are addressing the needs of the …show more content…
Powell, Higgins and Aram focus was if there was significate impact on the instructional time, non-instructional time and if student motivation expereinced any negative effect resulting from the demands of NCLB.
Summarize the basis for the problem.
Powell, Higgins and Aram (2009) reported that twenty-five percent of the schools in the U.S. are rural schools. The retention of qualified teachers and students achieving the Average Yearly Progress (AYP) set by NCLB had a greater impact due to the lower percentages within the schools, than compared to the schools in larger cities and suburbs. Powell, Higgins and Aram further state that the rural schools in Missouri they used for their study, had an increase of minority students over a ten year period of over 120% compared to the average increase nationwide of only 54%.
Powell, Higgins and Aram wanted to exam the overall impact of NCLB on the two rural schools in two completely different areas of the U.S. and exam the correlation between the NCLB and how curriculum and instruction were influenced.
Evaluate the clarity and completeness of how the problem was described.
Powell, Higgins and Aram (2009) study of the influence NCLB had on the decision making process of the principals regarding curriculum and