Everglades Research Paper

Words: 618
Pages: 3

On Saturday January 24th 2015
cloudy, 77 degrees, 70% humidity, 10 mph wind
Brief history about Everglades and Anhingna trial etc

Ecosystem Descriptions:
Slough- Anhingna trail
We walked the Anhigna trail which was made up of a fresh water marsh and slough. A slough is a river-like body of water. It is a passage way of fresh water to marshes and other bodies of water.


Hardwood hammock-

Pine Rocklands-

Anthropogenic Effects on the Ecosystem:

Personal Opinion/Experience: I did not know what to expect on this trip because I am new to Miami and have not had the chance to get hands on experience in the Everglades. My first, ongoing, and last thought was how amazing the variety of species in the Everglades
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These birds that reminded me of ducks were docile and seemed bored of the people with artillery looking cameras snapping pictures of them. Along with these birds were many other beautiful birds such as the

Flora and Fauna Observations and Descriptions:

Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga)
The Anhinga is a type of darter birds that uses its sharp beak to catch small fish under the water. It is often referred to as a snake fish because it swims with only its neck above the surface of the water making it appear like it is a snake. Unlike many birds of its’ type the Anhinga does not have waterproof feathers therefore it is seen often with its’ wings spread drying out in the sun.

Morning Glory (Ipomoea sagittata)
The Morning Glory specifically found in the Everglades is the Saltmarsh Morning Glory and is native to the southernmost region of the United States, Mexico, and some Caribbean
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This species of air plant is endangered due to an invasive species of bromeliad weevil that was accidentally introduced to its ecosystem.

Spanish Needle (Bidens alba)
The Bidens species is third in the supply of nectar for bees in florida so without them the honey supply and butterfly population would suffer greatly. The flowers of the Spanish Needle are edible and the roots are sometimes used for tea. It is also used medically for various purposes such as lowering blood pressure and the grounded seeds as a topical anesthetic.
Great Blue Heron
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)

Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus)
The Spotted Gar feeds on other small fish and crustaceans and have little to no predators once they are fully grown. It is the smallest species of Gar in the world. They are fresh water fish but sometimes live in brackish waters. In Canada the Spotted Gar is on the endangered species list and in some parts of the US is on the special concern list, this is due to the human effects on their