Everyday Racism In Australia

Words: 1333
Pages: 6

Australia’s culture is uniquely diverse; this is a result of its multicultural aspects that has allowed adjustments to a variety of different cultures. Yet, the occurrence of social problems that includes; racism has increased rapidly. Therefore, racism is still an important issue to understand and discuss and this is expressed through the more frequent attacks on individual immigrants during violent upbringing of events for instance; Sydney’s Cronulla riots on the 11th of December 2005. This event lead to the understanding that racism does in fact erupt causing social and law order enforcements as well as other issues, not only for the governmental organisations but also for the racially segregated population i.e. the general public (Balendra, …show more content…
unprepared police force. Aside from, the notion of whether the gaps in the legal framework lead to; cult violence, lack of security and the underlying racial hatred towards certain groups in terms of colour, religion, gender, or even social/economic profiling. This essay will talk about; the working definition of racism in comparison to everyday racism, how and why racism occurs as well as the important of migrants in Australia

The issue with racism is that there are difficulties in the arrangement of the definition and terms of racism (Katz, 2016). Essed and Goldberg 2002 argued that the definition of racism differs depending on the experiences of individuals and is more about “structure and ideology”. Yet, according to the Cambridge dictionary, racism is described as the notion that an individual’s value is determined by their race and that individuals from other races are inferior to individuals of their own race, resulting in inequality between the
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Language, attitudes, social skills, culture, dietary and socialization barriers create great divide among immigrant population. This is because it leads to; culture dissimilation, failures and inability to adapt to Australian culture because of their traditions and lifestyles, providing a narrow mindsets (Phinney et al., 2016). However, it is important to address that migrancy is essential for Australian society to thrive even though it needs to be channelized into more productive and less harmful means. Migration has helped support and sustaining Australia’s productive capacities by; bringing skilled migrancy in work place, creating profit zones in employment and service sectors. Through, the contribution to the increased GDP, inflows, international trade and revenue streams, the human capital factor in Australian economic renaissance. Thus, racism against migrants can be harmful to not just the immigrants themselves but also the Australian community (Phinney et al.,