The Crucible follows many characters living in Salem, Massachusetts at the time of the Witch Trials. The story follows a self absorbed and impulsive young girl, a servant , a concerned minister, a minister who cares too much about the views of others, a couple torn apart by the trials, and an old women falsely accused just like the others. The Crucible gives life to what we learn about in school. It brings to life how horrible the trials really were and opens your eyes up to the horrors of manipulation. That is all the Witch Trials were- pure manipulation. Nineteen innocent people died, because someone had it out for them personally or was holding a grudge against them. Standing up for those accused was not an option, otherwise the person opposing the judges would most …show more content…
The Witch Trials occurred at a time when all judgment ran rampid. The Puritans were already a very strict and judgmental religion, and as soon as the thought of “witched” came into their mind, they would not let it go. Almost all of the New World was populated by people who practiced the Puritan religion. Anyone who wanted someone out of their life could just frame them as a witch. Luckily this period only lasted a few months, in the end we are lucky that only nineteen people