Explain The Key Arguments That Support The Model Of Models Of Disability

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Pages: 5

Describe and explain the key arguments that support the view ‘models of disability and their effects on children’s lives’. Argue that inclusive education has become an important aim in many societies.

In this essay, I will be explaining the key arguments in support of the statement.

In Indonesia there is a situation that reflects a trend where different countries and organisations have tried to place positive views of how disabled children should be viewed and treated, you can see this in the image provided in the reader (p.124 figure 8.1) which shows countries that offer and provide inclusive education, from this you can see that the majority of the countries have a high and medium level of inclusive education The United Nations convention
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23.04% voted that all children and young people should be taught in the same class’s majority of the time, regardless of disability. 8.82% voted that all children and young people should attend the same school with specialist provision for disabled children. 5.11% of students voted that disabled children should be placed in mainstream schools if they have the skills to engage with the mainstream school’s curriculum. And finally, 0.77% of students voted that disabled children should be taught in specialist schools.

Going back to the UNCRC (1989) and what they say about disabled children being excluded, the option in which 8.82% of students had agreed on seems like the best option regarding inclusive education as it mixes disabled children in with the able-bodied children and it also makes sure they socialise.

On the other hand we could look at the least voted option which was disabled children being taught in specialised schools, this could be seen as excluding but also inclusive, it can be seen as excluding as they aren’t learning the same curriculum as their able-bodied peers but some may say it is inclusive as the curriculum has been altered to suit their