Explain Why Guns Should Not Be Banned

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Pages: 3

Guns Should Not Be Banned The number of guns has increased to 300 million in 2012 from 1995’s 200 million . There has also been a decrease in property crime and not only that, but violent crimes as well since 1990. In addition, most mass shooter are people with mental illness. Furthermore it's already hard to get a gun. We should not ban guns.

We need to make it harder for mentally ill or insane people to get firearms. The past thirty years prove that most mass shooters showed signs of mental illness prior to their shootings. For example, Jared Loughner’s story is revealing because it has been reached that the mentally deranged individual should have received psychiatric evaluation and treatment (Faria). Mental illness is a big factor in shooters. Half of shooters showed signs of mental illness that were untreated(Faria). A 2000 New York Times study showed that of the 100 mass shootings 63 involved people who “made threats of violence before the event, including 54 who threatened specific violence to specific `people” (Faria).The threats didn't happen . These disturbed people an event in correlation with failures in life and mental illness finally triggers the rampage. Nothing had been done about the threats.
Tindell 2
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The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence says all of the states are to have the strictest gun laws in the nation, except two Iowa and Nebraska (Tiernan). In Texas, it takes after the training course and the application packet 60 days to get your concealed carry license. You also have to be 18 years or older. Plus background checks make it difficult for some. And at least 80% of guns were obtained legally (Chuck). And if you get a gun illegally the police will most likely find it. Chicago police officers have seized nearly 5,200 guns off the streets so far this year