Did you ever wonder if people survived settling in Charlestown? Well settlers wanted to travel to new world but they hit obstacles going through charlestown so, some people made it but not a lot. Charles town was difficult to settle , settle is when you try to find a perfect spot to build or adapt to. Charles town was difficult to settle because its geography, resources, and diseases.
Charles town was difficult to settle because of its geography. According to the map the settlers will encounter the natives, lots of animals, and bad weather. The only natural resources were water, trees, and grass. There water was an advantage to the setters because it helped with faster transportation sent out and receive goods from british. The only thing is that it was easier to get attack and lose. This map I am looking at is trustworthy because there names of the places, geologic picture, and the …show more content…
The only type of soil that was found in Charles Town was rich black mould and ironstone soil. The only animal life form that exist in the carolinas was panthers, tigers, wolves, deer ,adobe , and beast of prey. All these animals give off fur and the only food source would be deer unless settlers eat wolves and tigers. Which settlers probably don't but you never know . Therefore it was hard to settle there because of the only animals they had and the soil was good and bad for farming, harvesting, and reproducing.
Diseases made it difficult to settle in Charles Town. The one common disease was small pox. Eliza was an settler that went through all this and she always said was “ an great cloud over province “. Well this means it is an bad cloud, so like bad things happen like small pox. Smallpox got worse and worse everyday. Each day it spreaded in Charles Town. Smallpox got bad that settlers had to stop businesses. Smallpox was spreading badly it almost went to another