Fall In Aging

Words: 2093
Pages: 9

Problem and care with fall among the elderly
Fall in elderly is quite fatal as elder. Worldwide, males who fall, have a higher rate of dying compared to female. When people fall, they may break their bones easily and take a very long time to recover. This paper analyzes the reasons for falling, problems associated with fall, prevention and care elderly gets.
What defines a fall? By World Health Organization, An event where someone came to rest inadvertently on the ground or other lower level. Peacable kingdom press states a fall is a sudden, unintentional change in position causing an individual to land at a lower level, on an object, the floor, or the ground, other than as a consequence of a sudden onset of paralysis, epileptic seizure, or
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Injuries that elderly sustain from falling can vary from not serious to fatal. Generally, there are four types injuries, Head, spine, hips, and wrist injury. Head injury occurs when the elderly falls and hits the head first, where the head takes all the impact of the fall. It is one of the more fatal injury as it lead to impairment, lose the function of the brain, vision problem or even death. Spine injury happens when the elderly falls and lands on their back. It is one of a serious injury as the spinal cord is affect. Depending on where the injury is there are different kinds of problems to follow. A few example of a spinal cord injuries are loss of muscle strength, loss of bowel, bladder and even sexual functions. Treatments that are given to spinal cord injury are surgery, medications and rehabilitation. Hips fracture is one of the most common kind of injury from falling. The bones of an elderly is weak and brittle therefore injuring the elder. There is another type of hip injury, arthritis. It is the infection of the hip joint. The pain created can reduce the walking movement of the elder, but this is not an injury from falling. Wrist injury is a common injury that most elderly will have when they fall forward with the hand trying to cushion the fall. This type of fracture is called Colles’ wrist fracture. Treatments that are given are surgery for sever case, physical rehabilitation to rebuild the strength on the muscles in the wrist