The strategy I feel should not be used is, Ignore the problem. Children always show distress and anxiety when leaving their parent. You should be responsive and nurturing to the child’s needs by calming him/her and reassuring her with positive reinforcement. If you ignore the problem the child may feel confused and isolated which may increase distress and anxiety.
2. Are any of these strategies more likely to be used by parents of some cultures than others, based on ideas from the text?
Based on ideas from the text, a strategy more likely to be used by parents of some culture than others, is Encouraging the parents to withdraw the child from the center and arrange for relatives or a family child care provider to care for her. In the text, for example, some Korean American families are reluctant to have their children cared for in centers. Therefore, some cultures are willing to withdraw child from center and make other arrangements.
3. How would family socialization goals of autonomy and self-sufficiency influence the separation strategies that parents choose? …show more content…
Family socialization goals of autonomy influence the separation strategies that parent chooses by presenting a child with independence, the child will be more eager to explore the environment and likely less to have separation anxiety when dropped off at daycare or with a babysitter. Again, if autonomy is scolded or dependence is prolonged children may never separate from their family or parents, which may cause the separation