Farewell To Manzanar

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Pages: 2

Gracie LaFief Mrs. Feagley English 8 10 April 2024 Jeanne's Family Copes

Coping is how someone deals with something stressful or something hard to deal with. In Farewell to Manzanar, the different people cope in different ways. Some of the methods aren't very good for them, or the people around them. Jeanne, George/Ko, and Rigu/Mama deal with life in the midst of stressful situations, mostly in the midst of being forcefully interned in Manzanar during WWII. At the beginning of the story, Jeanne had just turned seven years old. Jeanne talks about how she was out of school and her Papa and two older brothers were getting ready to leave to fish. Soon after the boat went out to sea, it turned around and headed back to shore. Some people were yelling, “The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!”. Papa then
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Similar to his daughter, Papa was a very independent person but didn't like to face his problems, unfortunately. Papa chooses to deal with his problems in ways that have negative consequences. Instead of dealing with them head on, he would drink and hope that his issues would go away. Instead of getting rid of his small problems, he drank and those small problems grew into something much worse. An example of this was when Papa first came to the camp. Upon his arrival at Manzanar, Papa developed a daily drinking habit which not only led to him passing out on a regular basis but also becoming violent towards Mama. Jeanne wrote, “Mama got nothing but threats and abuse for her attempts to comfort him.” While finding herself in the midst of these family issues, Mama is also having to deal with her own troubles, like her worries about moving from place to place. Mama also had to take care of her kids, husband, and even some of their other family members. She is the glue of the family, so she tries to make sure they are all safe and that they stick together. Mama is also hard-headed and wouldn't give up