There are moments when Wiesel thinks his father is a burden. He faces his own personal conflict on whether he too should leave his father behind for survival, but he makes a promise to himself and prays that God would give him strength to never do what Rabbi Eliahou’s son did to his father. This is a significant example that shows how people’s relationships are tested because it reflects on Elie, who once had an internal conflict with whether to leave his own father behind. In Buna, there was a 13-year old pipel who was beating his father because his father didn’t make his bed properly. Then, he kept threatening to not give him any food if he kept crying. Elie never hit his father unless it was to wake him up from dying in one certain instance. Instead, he took care of his father till his father’s last breath and he himself became his father’s strength. There are many father and son situations in the story that affect Elie and his father’s relationship. Many of the relationships didn’t survive due to the fact that they were put to the test and they failed. When individuals are put into an intolerable situation, loving bonds are tested to see if they can