Carlen ,Allen and Heidensohn comment the UK criminal justice system is exceedingly gendered.
While Heidensohn concern to social control ,Carlen clarify that although gender is one of the element to affect the judgement,it is hardly to segregate their influences from issues such as race and class.(Carlen 1999)
Carlen worked on female recidivism by following Oakley’s ethnographic method to social research.Carlen’s research was an interview of 39 working class women,who had been convicted of one or more crimes.
Carlen consider the relationship between …show more content…
In Carlen’s dedication,she defines the classificatory techniques applied to characterise and control women and adolescent female in the Care situation ‘have hidden disciplinary functions,forcible and , eventually,exclusionary effect.(p.140).Carlen criticise there is a deviance amplification effect in Care which pushes them into ,more severe criminal offense according to the young girl’s experience.This book provides a clear understanding of the relationship between how the women are represented in the criminal justice system ,and the position of women in community.
Carlen point to sarcasm in the medical treatment of female inside the care also the prison.There is sarcastic the government may opt for the mind-altering drug measure to resolve one’s substance dependance ,whilst the escalating drug-addiction lead the same girl re-convicted crime to fund on drugs.
Carlen and Worrall(2004) define a ‘healthy prison’ is a safe environment,treating people with respect,a productive system and resettlement training to prevent …show more content…
Some debate that the only approach to eliminate the gendered discrimination and oppression that women suffered from the past is to press for sustained equalisation under the law thus disagree with any law treat mean and women differently.Although equalisation may injure women in short run,it is only method to ensure women will be treat as in same equal economic and social position in the future.(Chesney 1995,Chesney 1997)
In Hilary Allen’s discussion of female offender,she argue in order to pursue the reconstitution of women ‘in the full dignity of responsibility,women offenders should abstain from taking the paternalistic view.Plus,she further disputes women should be uncovered to the full strictness of the penal sanctions。
Because women are not the same as men ,it will be unfair to use a male criteria to measure equality thus indicate both would be treated differently,as such differences did not post women in a worse position . the rate of imprisonment for women has increased disproportionately(Medlicottt