Submission Deadline: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:30 pM
70 points for flyer assignment
Each student will sign up for a different infectious disease or immunological disorder
1. tetanus
2. botulism
3. diphtheria
4. cholera
5. bacillary dysentery
6. typhoid fever
7. poliomyelitis
8. listeriosis
9. Campylobacter jejuni food poisoning 10. Clostridium difficile intestinal infection 11. hepatitis A
12. hepatitis B
13. hepatitis C
14. dengue fever
15. yellow fever
16. equine encephalitis
17. West Nile encephalitis
18. lassa fever
19. Ebola
20. Hanta pulmonary syndrome
21. chicken pox
22. measles (rubeola)
23. German measles (rubella)
24. shingles
25. influenza
26. common cold
27. avian flu
28. severe acute respiratory syndrome
29. infectious mononucleosis
30. smallpox
31. anthrax
32. leprosy
33. tuberculosis
34. Black plague
35. syphilis
36. gonorrhea
37. atypical (walking ) pneumonia
38. trachoma
39. ornithosis (psittocosis )
40. histoplasmosis
41. Chlamydia STD
42. duodenal/stomach ulcers
43. bacterial meningitis
44. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
45. Lyme disease
46. rabies
47. tularemia
48. AIDS
49. genital herpes
50. Burkitt’s lymphoma
51. scalded skin syndrome
52. necrotizing fasciitis
53. pertussis
54. scarlet fever
55. severe combined immunodeficiency disease
56. graft vs. host disease
57. systemic lupus erythe matosus
58. brucellosis
59. lymphogranuloma venereum
60. trichomoniasis
61. giardiasis
62. toxoplasmosis
63. malaria
64. toxic shock syndrome
65. leptospirosis
66. infant diarrhea –rotavirus
67. infant pneumonia —respiratory syncitial virus
68. amoebic dysentery
69. gas gangrene
70. infant meningitis (Hemophilus influenzae )
71. thrush
72. mumps
73. pneumocystis pneumoniae
74. coccidiomycosis (Valley Fever)
75. Q fever
76. Relapsing fever
77. Legionnaire’s disease
78. epidemic typhus
79. African sleeping sickness
80. Creutzfeld -Jacob’s disease
81. ophthalmia neonatorum
82. erythroblastosis fetalis
83. dermatomycoses
84. impetigo
85. carbuncles & furuncles
86. infantile X-linked agammaglobunemia 87. arthus reaction
88. insulin -dependent diabetes mellitus
89. rheumatoid arthritis
90. Graves disease
91. myasthenia gravis
92. contact dermatitis
93. anaphylaxis
94. serum sickness
95. condylomas (genital warts)
96. salmonellosis
97. E. coli 0157:H7 infection
98. cryptosproridiosis
99. Fifth’s disease
100. 1918 Pandemic Spanish Flu
(Note that there are a few bacterial diseases, but mostly viral, immunological disorders and some protozoal and fungal diseases)
Assignment: Create a 8.5” X 11” flyer with the information listed below regarding your infectious disease or immunological disorder. Your finished product will be something a reader may quickly gather information from.
Information required:
* Your name should be on the flyer
* if your topic is an infectious disease * name and describe the agent that causes the disease; what kind of microorganism is it? * how is it transmitted? * signs and symptoms of the disease * how is the disease treated? * how can the disease be prevented? * any unique or interesting information about the disease and/or agent
* if your topic is an immunological disorder * define the disorder * what triggers the disorder? * what happens in the body during a flare up/occurrence/reaction? * is this treatable and how? * can the reactions be prevented and how? * provide an understanding of the life of a person with the disorder
* Instructions: * Your flyer must be a