Fibromyalgia Research Paper

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Fibromyalgia known as a rheumatological syndrome because it is collection of several chronic symptoms such as widespread fatigue and pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons all over the body beside that may causes stiffness. The first official diagnostic guidelines of fibromyalgia were established by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in 1990.Approximately one person from 50 people will suffer from fibromyalgia in their life.

Fibromyalgia can be defined as a rheumatic non-articular disease which is characterized by persistent and chronic musculoskeletal pain in many areas of body, paraesthesia, morning stiffness, weakness and headache. These clinical symptoms associated with presence of various points that cause
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However, some scientists think that it relates to genetic and nerves system factors which are neurotransmitter, neuroendocrine and neurosensory disorders. Fibromyalgia affects neuroendocrine by impairment action of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) which is a significant element of the stress-adaptation reaction. As a result of blunted cortisol response and irregular growth hormone. Furthermore, it reduced serotonin in CNS and increase substance P in neurotransmitter. In fibromyalgia, decrease antinociception and central pain amplification because of abnormality of central sensitization and restrain descending pain pathways in neurosensory. According to International Association for the Study of Pain, there are relationship between incidences of fibromyalgia and some genetic factors such as serotoninergic, dopaminergic, and catecholaminergic systems (International Association for the Study of Pain, …show more content…
The finding of palpation examination to find tender that present of pain in 11 of 18 tender point on both side of body which are Occiput (2),Low cervical (2),Trapezius (2), Supraspinatus (2), Second rib (2), Lateral epicondyle (2), Gluteal (2), Greater trochanter (2), Knee (2) as body chart shows in figure1. A tender point can detects either by examiner’s bed of nail during palpation or by dolorimeter that an instrument be used for applying 4Kg of pressure over areas of the tender points ( Jahan,2012). All lieutenant investigations include CT scans, X-rays, blood test and electrodiagnostic tests are normal. In Biopsies procedure and metabolic muscles examination are founded minor and non- noticeable change