Fidel Castro: Leader Of The Cuban Regime

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Fidel Castro was born in Biran, Cuba on august 13th 1926, and he died on November 25th 2016. In his lifetime he accomplished many things. He was the son of a Spanish emigrant, Ángel Castro y Argiz. Castro was the third of 6th children. He had two brothers and three sisters. He was educated in a Jesuit private school. He grew up in wealth compared to the poverty in Cuba.
He attended Colegio Dolores in Santiago de Cuba and then El Colegio de Belén in Havana, where he pitched for the school's baseball team as and also played basketball and ran track. After he graduated in 1945 he entered law school at The University of Havana. There he became very interested in Cuban nationalism, anti-imperialism and socialism. This fueled his drive to later run for dictator of Cuba.
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The leader of this group, Eduardo Chibás, was running as president but lost the election in 1948. This inspired Fedel to inform everyone of the corruption of their government and warn people about General Fulgencio Batista, who used to be a former president and was planning to run again. Castro attacked the government using guerilla warfare and overthrew the Cuban government.
After that he merged his organization with Cubas communist party naming himself as head of the party. Eventually Raul Batista succeeded Fidel to be Cubas leader. He was officially sworn into office on February 16, 1959. From then on he ruled over Cuba for nearly 50 years, until he turned power over to his brother in