Final Essay

Submitted By Machimity-Meag
Words: 754
Pages: 4

Stress Stress is the body's way of responding to any type of stipulation. Stress most of the time is bad, although there is such thing as good stress. The good stress is known as the survival stress which is when our body naturally retorts with a sudden and enormous amount of energy so we can bypass the situation we are facing (http://www.mtstcil). The bad type of stress is known as the stress that begins to affect our bodily functions and everyday behaviour negatively. An example being internal stress, when we worry about too many things that are beyond our control. A few other types of common stress include environmental stress, and fatigue stress. Environmental stress being things around us, such as loud noise or over crowding. Fatigue stress being working too hard and having poor time management to the point where we are unable to find relaxation time. Stress can affect us in many ways. Overtime, it may begin to affect us physically and mentally. Causing us to become sick, tired, or unable to concentrate normally. It is helpful to be aware of the who is most vulnerable to stress, the many symptoms, and being aware of relaxation techniques. Virtually, everyone experiences stress. Studies show that some people are more vulnerable to stress than others. Older adults being the main group. Especially women; working mothers, and pregnant women. Divorced people, financially strained people, and people who live in cities also seem to be particularly susceptible to health related stress problems (http://positivitytoolbox). As well as caregivers, children, and medical professionals whom are also frequently found to be at higher risk for stress related disorders. Many life events can cause stress to arise as well. Life events such as moving, leaving school, changing jobs, and experiencing losses. All in all, there are quite a bit of people who are vulnerable to stress. Knowing the symptoms of stress is important so we can decrease the risk of harming our health, as well as heart disease and stroke. Symptoms of excess stress include feeling anxious, tense, stomach complaints, or headaches. Depression, anxiety, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and menstrual problems are all mental health problems caused by long term exposure to stress. People with high levels of stress may experience high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure. There are also emotional types of stress which include low self esteem, feeling overwhelmed, easily agitated, moody, or avoiding others. There are physical symptoms of stress too. These symptoms include low energy, insomnia, aches or pains, and frequent infections ( Cognitive symptoms include constant worrying, racing thoughts, forgetfulness, or even an inability to focus. Last not not least, is the behavioural symptoms which include a drastic change in eating habits, procrastinating, increased use of alcohol or substances, or even exhibiting in nervous behaviours like nail biting and fidgeting (www.webmd). After all,