Final Exam Notes Essay examples

Submitted By Dustin-Hart
Words: 5896
Pages: 24

Locus of control - refers to the extent to which individuals believe they can control events affecting them (external, internal)
Stress – a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
Fixed mindset - students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that's that, and then their goal becomes to look smart all the time and never look dumb.
Chapter 1
Global marketplace – competing with people from all over the world interconnected marketplace, where companies do business without regard to time zones and boundaries, and where companies from all over the world compete for business
More education in life means more consistent employment, opportunity when there is a layoff
Inert intelligence – passive recall and analysis of learned information rather than goal-directed thinking linked to real world activities
Successful intelligence or abilities:
Analytical thinking – critical thinking, analyzing and evaluating info (tests)
Creative thinking – new ways of doing things, ideas, and approaches
Viewing world that disregard retention
Trying to decide best way to present project
Practical thinking – common sense, putting what you learn into action
Dealing with someone that doesn’t participate
Syllabus – outline of course topics and assignments
Persistence – act of continuing steadfastly in a course of action, even in the face of obstacles or challenges
Motivation – a goal directed force that moves a person to action
Grades, love of a subject, drive to earn a degree
Self-esteem – belief in one’s value as a person that builds as you achieve your goals
Academic integrity – following a code of moral values, prizing honesty and fairness in all aspects of academic life (classes, assignments, tests, etc)
Honesty – defines pursuit of knowledge and implies truth in situations
Trust – being true to one’s word
Fairness – instructors must create academic fair environment
Respect – accepted everyone’s opinions and stuff
Responsibility – responsible for your choices
Learning from failure
Analyze what happened
Come up with creative ways to improve the situation and change for the future
Put your plan into action
Value diversity – differences among people
Biracial or multiracial individuals
Families with more than one religion
Nonnative English speakers
People older than 18-22 year olds
Persons living with various kinds of disabilities
Practicing different lifestyles
Emotional intelligence – ability to perceive, assess, and manage one’s own emotions as well as understand the emotions of others
Personal competence – how you manage yourself, motivation
Social intelligence – having an understanding of the complexity of social interaction and using that understanding to manage relationships effectively
Social awareness – ranges from just sensing other people’s emotions on a basic level to actively working to understand how other people feel (listening)
Social facility – active and most practical component, help achieve your goals
Social competence – how you handle relationships with others including awareness and needs of others
3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3 = 31
Skills to deal with changing world
Knowledge in every field is doubling every two years
Technology is changing how you live and work (knowledge work – instead of manual work, use information)
The global economy is moving from a product and service base to a knowledge and talent base
Workers are changing jobs and careers more frequently
Lifelong learners – individuals who continue to build knowledge and skills as a mechanism for improving their lives and careers
Chapter 2
Values – principles or qualities that you consider important
Understand what you want out of life (value most)
Build “rules for life” (values for decision and behavior)
Find people who inspire you
Your value system is complex, built over time (affect values