Essay about Final Research Proposal 2

Submitted By zulqarnain007
Words: 2428
Pages: 10

1. Introduction and problem identification.............................................................2
2. Objective...........................................................................................................2
3. Justification.......................................................................................................2
4. Literature Review..............................................................................................3
5. Research Questions.........................................................................................5
6. Appropriate research methodologies and techniques to use for the research project...............................................................................................................5
7. Gantt Chart.......................................................................................................5
8. Description of the research process.................................................................6
9. Description of data collection and analysis methods........................................6
10. Description of expected research outcomes.....................................................7
11. Conclusions......................................................................................................7
12. References........................................................................................................8

Introduction and problem identification
Since the technology and communications have been increasing in the last decades, many telecommunications companies are developing different strategies to raise or keep a leadership in the industry. The hard competition forced to all contenders to implement everyday innovations that helps them to be an attractive option for the costumers who always are looking for a value added. A figure indicates that by the end of 2013, there were more mobile devices on Earth than people (Cisco, 2013) this is an overview of how nowadays we are facing a rapidly changing environment. However not all the companies could manage successfully the fast growth of demand and they lose markets, rankings and money.

In the ends of 1990s, Nokia overtook the leader Motorola to emerge as a behemoth in the global mobile phone industry. Nokia's dominance continued into the first few years of the 2000s, but it suddenly came under threat in 2003-2004, when minor Asian sellers started making their presence felt with better products at lower prices1. The company's problems also had internal causes and analysts said one of the reasons could be that it had become too complacent with its success and lost its agility in reading and responding to market signals. Nokia could not attend the requirements of the potential buyers. There are several factors that contributed in the decline of Nokia but one of the mains was the drop in the quality services, such as operations systems and software, which were not more able to compete with Apple and Google. In the present research I want to investigate and give evidence of “The current situation of Nokia: how the innovation in services (operating system, Clouds, Apps, iShop) can help it to achieve a better position in the telecommunication world in the near future”. Objective

The objective of the actual research study is suggest options to Nokia to recover a relevance position in the mobile markets.


Literature Review
A vast literature review was undertaken consulting a several number of books and journal articles about smart phones industry, trends in Information Technologies (IT) and a few data of Nokia’s history. The research focus on finding the main reasons because Nokia lose markets, IT tendencies and preferences of potential buyers of mobiles. Thus research was carried out to suggest the possible ways that Nokia can follow to reach a leadership.

David J. Cord (2014) explained in his book: ‘’The Decline and Fall