Winter 2012
Program Learning Objectives: The learning goals of the Bachelor of Commerce program are communication, information literacy, critical thinking, team work, and ethics and social responsibility. These are explained in detail on our website ( The learning objectives for this course are:
Prepare professional written reports/assignments
Prepare and deliver professional oral presentations
Information Literacy
Determine and retrieve required information
Critically evaluate and use information effectively
Recognize and acknowledge copyright laws and intellectual property restrictions
Critical Thinking
Formulate and justify positions on issues or situations using appropriate evidence
Team Work
Identify, describe, and exhibit behaviours that contribute to effective team performance
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Identify and understand ethical dimensions of complex situations
Identify corporate social responsibility behaviours
Instructor: Armand Pinard
Part Time Office: SB 326
Phone: 435-7321 Halifax 535-3370 Cape Breton
E-mail: (use this address)
Office Hours: Wednesday 3:30 pm—5:30 pm Also after class Or by appointment Text: MACROECONOMICS (13th edition) Christopher T.S. Ragan, Richard G. Lipsey, Pearson (Addison Wesley). Some of you may find the study guide to be very helpful (good practice questions), but it is not required.
Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic principles of Macroeconomics. In particular this course will focus on the behaviour of economic systems as a whole. We will investigate the determinants of the level, as well as the rate of change, of aggregates such as consumption, taxes, investment, trade, prices and employment (unemployment).
Course Requirements: There will be 5 short quizzes which will be held at the end of class and you will be required to complete 3 assignments. In addition, there will be 1 midterm exam and a comprehensive final exam which will cover all of the chapters studied during the term. Your grade will be based on the following:
Assignments (5 points for each) 15% Quizzes (4 points for each) 20% Midterm exam 25% Final exam 40%
There is no make up in assignments, quizzes, or midterm..
In order to pass the course, a student must pass the midterm and final exams combined (obtain at least 32.5 out of 65 percent).
Tentative Class Schedule
Class 1 Chapter 1: Economic Issues & Concepts
Class 2 Chapter 3: Demand, Supply and Price
Class 3 Chapter 19: What Macroeconomics Is All About
Class 4 Chapter 20: The Measurement of National Income
Class 5 Chapter 21: The Simplest Short-Run Macro Model
Class 6 Chapter 22: Adding Government and Trade to the Simple Macro Model
Class 7 Midterm Exam
Class 8 Chapter 23: Output and Prices in the Short Run
Class 9