Fine Arts Research Paper

Words: 762
Pages: 4

Our society today is entirely based on the lives and careers of people in the Fine Arts industries. The newest conversations are always about the next greatest actor or the new band in the music biz. Our world revolves around theater and acting; stories that can only be told through movies or plays. This planet would be as boring and plain as new jeans without the fine arts. There would be no entertainment and humans would all share the same boring likeness to one another. Human life would be completely pointless without any sort of anything for humans to create. The consumers would have nothing to consume except for food and it would result in a very poor society. The fine arts can also be used as a teaching technique that many elementary teachers have taken on. Learning material set to use music is usually easier for the right side of the brain to attain easier, and the information stays put. Theater can be used to study history because lots of plays include rich history of the world past behind us. The Arts are a necessity to education because the Arts are engraved into …show more content…
There would be entertainment, of course; something to keep our simple minds focused on in our free time. But it would be rouged and gruesome entertainment; like that of Medieval England’s. People would not be peaceful, we would be ruthless creatures with no sense of moral code. Without the Arts to entertain humans in a peaceful way there would be wars raging all across the seven seas just because people were bored. Granted, the population would be smaller, but a brutish lifestyle is no way to carry on. No Arts means no songs which means no celebrations; so not only would Earth be ruthless is would also be a place of sadness and decay. The fine arts stand as the very of our people, they began in ancient Greco-roman times when everybody was bored with Zeus having all the fun; and it will last until the